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Egocentric Me. 


Would you believe that I always wanted to be a furniture designer? When I was seventeen I was accepted to a design school in their furniture design program, but I don't think I believed in myself the way that I do now. I opted to stay in Houston and study hotel and restaurant management, but thought I actually wanted to be a children's book author, so I started writing my great story that is almost near completion. Then I felt like I needed to do more, so I applied to law school to see if I could be a lawyer.


However, since I am the jack of all trades, then it is true that I have not quite mastered the one trade I'm supposed to be in. I'm nearing 40 and still don't know what I want to do, or maybe it's that I want to do everything, try everything at least a few times before my ADHD kicks in and I am off on my next self-discovery path. 


It seems that I have tried every career imaginable, even a used car salesperson. I attended law school, but choose to be a housewife once I graduated. But that was kind of boring, so I started Weekly Craft and flipped furniture during the day when my husband was at work, then played computer games all night. 



Then I decided I did want to practice law, so I took the bar and was sworn in, while I was pregnant... So I became a stay at home mom. That was fun, until I realized that I was having the same conversation every day with the same other SAHM friend of mine. So I started to practice law, then I switched to streaming online (before twitch became unbearable). So I did relationship advice and loved it. Truly had a freaking blast, but then I decided I wanted another stopped with the intentions of going back, but it wasn't the same. While I was pregnant, I wrote another short story that I really liked, but my husband hated it, so I stopped. However, now that AI can help me write it, maybe I'll finish it and tell my husband to keep his opinions to himself, even when I am asking for them. 


Then I spent a year looking for a house and realizing that I was back to where I was at 17 when I decided to willy-nilly paint a table when my husband was out of town...then I found a chair, and another chair, and then another chair....that all needed my love when my children were asleep. So I took out all my upholstery tools and took over the basement. 


And just like when you give a mouse a cookie, I decided that I should ramp up Weekly Craft again when I showed people my work  and they loved it or maybe it was the innocent comments from well-meaning friends, "You should have been a designer or a party planner  instead of a lawyer. This is what you should do." I've heard this so many times that I might actually listen to someone else's comments, instead of the ramblings in my head. 


Soooo...hello again. Welcome to Weekly Craft.


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