Cutesy Spring Deco Mesh Wreaths
TIME: ​2-3 Hours

1. Roll of Deco Mesh
2. Wire Wreath Form
3. Pipe Cleaners
4. Scissors
5. 2-3 Different Colored Ribbons
6. Floral Picks
7. Butterflies
8. Jewelry Wire


The following instructions involve learning the basic deco mesh wreath construction.
Once the basic understanding of how to work with deco mesh, then let your creativity take hold!
Visit your local craft or dollar store to find little items to place into your wreath. I often use jewelry wire and hot glue to affix my flourishes to the deco mesh.

**Tip: These ties are for the preliminary big deco mesh loops.
I cut my pipe cleaner in half, but found it a little tricker to work with because of the length. Use a full pipe cleaner instead to save you from mental anguish.
** Tip: The loops on this stage are supposed to look large and fluffy. Use the jewelry wire later to lessen the volume on some of the loops to create more space for adding the flourishes.
Add the Flowers, Butterflies, and Ribbons to suit your own preferences.

Once you have the basics figured out, then the fun begins. I have done numerous deco mesh wreaths and each one is different. Try visiting your local dollar store for flowers, glitter, and items like the butterflies shown in this wreath.